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Informationstavlor från Legamaster

Information är grunden till att vårt samhälle ska fungera. Med bra informationstavlor på rätt ställe får alla koll på aktuell information och mängden av frågor och oklarheter minskar. Välj informationstavla efter dina behov:

Anslagstavla att sätta på väggen

Anslagstavlorna finns med med kork- eller filtyta. Lätt att sätta upp lappar och anslag med kartnålar.

Mobil anslagstavla på hjul

En fristående anslagstavla på hjul eller metallfot är lätt att placera ut i lokalen utan att ta väggyta. Anslagstavlorna kan vara dubbelsidiga och ställas i serie och fungera som rumsavdelare.

Vanliga platser för fristående anslagstavlor är: skolor, kontor, butiker eller restauranger där information visas för elever, kollegor, kunder eller gäster?

Information boards

Information can be shared in many different ways. The way you convey information will depend not only on what you want to convey but also your target group and the location. Do you have a permanent, central place in your school, office, shop or restaurant where information is displayed for pupils, colleagues, customers or diners? Our information boards and floor display systems offer an effective solution for this. Showcases and poster frames are an ideal solution for putting your information in front of a specific target audience.

Legamaster information products are everywhere

You will have come across our information products everywhere. You may have seen them in council offices, schools and associations where our floor display systems have been used in various combinations for many years. You will probably have seen our information boards in hotel receptions or in use as room dividers in conference centers and exhibition halls. Our in&out boards are used to display who is present and who is absent in offices and factories. So you see, Legamaster information products are everywhere!

Information products for every situation

It’s not surprising that you can find our information products everywhere. That’s because they are designed to suit any situation. At Legamaster, you won’t have a problem finding a solution for your particular situation.

Want to find out more about sharing information using Legamaster products?

Discover our wide range under ‘Products’ and find the information products that you’ve been looking for. Got a question or need specific advice? Please contact us. We will be happy to help you choose the information products that are right for you!

130.00kr ex.moms

I lager

2 300.00kr3 400.00kr ex.moms

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3 500.00kr8 900.00kr ex.moms

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2 496.00kr4 396.00kr ex.moms

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Workshopskärm PREMIUM

5 166.00kr ex.moms

I lager

3 900.00kr5 150.00kr ex.moms

I lager

314.00kr ex.moms

I lager